Families have unique needs. We provide support.

Here is a list of our current support groups that run throughout the year. Please reach out to us for more information. Individual events can also be found under our Events calendar. Please note that our groups are specifically for families registered with Interwoven Connections.

Prospective Parents and Caregivers

Are you exploring adoption, kinship, customary care or currently Adopt Ready? Join us monthly to ask questions, share your wins and struggles and connect!

Events occur on the 4th Wednesday of each month, 7:00PM.

Families Experiencing AFCCA

For families experiencing AFCCA, being part of an understanding peer community can provide immense relief for parents and caregivers. This monthly, peer-facilitated support group provides a virtual safe space that allows our community of families to learn from one another and share their perspectives.

Events occur on the 4th Tuesday of each month, from 11:30am-1:00pm.

Ages and Stages

Are you parenting a child with a chronological or developmental age of 0-19+? Join together with other Interwoven Connections Parents & Caregivers to share your experiences, and offer (as well as receive) support, encouragement & comfort from others on a similar adventure!

  • Events occur on the 3rd Thursday of each month, from 8-9PM.

  • Events occur on the 1st Monday of each month, from 8-9PM.

  • Events occur on the 1st Thursday of each month from 7:30-8:30PM.

  • Events occur on the 4th Tuesday of each month from 7:30-8:20PM.


Our monthly support group for kinship families provides a safe space for kinship caregivers to connect with others raising children in their extended family.

Meetings run every 2nd Thursday of each month from 1-2PM.

2SLGBTQI+  Families

Join us monthly on the last Wednesday of each month from 8-9PM as we support 2SLGBTQI+ families to promote positive outcomes for their children and themselves and create a safe and strong support network.

Events occur on the last Wednesday of each month, from 8-9pm.

Nurturing Attachment

Attachment plays a central role in our social and emotional development, and every child or youth touched by permanency has experienced an attachment disruption. Join us as we acknowledge that loss, explore practical strategies to focus on and strengthen attachment.

Events occur every 3rd Tuesday of each month from 8:15-9:15PM.

Dad’s Zone

Join members of the Interwoven Connections Dad’s Zone on the 2nd Monday of each month virtually from 7:30-8:30PM to share the joys and challenges you are facing in parenthood.

Events occur on the 2nd Monday of each month, virtually from 7:30-8:30pm.

Older Parents & Caregivers of Adults with FASD

Are you aged 50+ and the parent/caregiver, kin, or customary caregiver to an adult aged 18+ who has or may have FASD? This monthly support and education group addresses unique issues often experienced by this age group.

Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 12-1PM.


Join us on the 1st Tuesday of each month as we discuss all things openness at 8PM.

Events occur every 1st Tuesday of each month at 8pm.

Single Parents

Our Single Parent Support Group meets monthly every 3rd Wednesday of each month, 8:15pm, to connect and discuss the daily joys & challenges with other single parents and caregivers.

Meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 8:15pm.

Regional Events

We run special events all across Ontario in the North, West, East, GTA and Central regions. To find out about which region you belong to, reach out to us. Additionally, you can check out our Events calendar for events running in your local area, or provincially!